Frequently Asked Question

Can I perform a wedding out of the USA?
Last Updated 8 years ago

The Open Ministry is recognized in the United States. If you wish to perform a wedding outside of the United States we recommend the following:

  • You can always have a quick ceremony in the states and have a Ceremony for Show in another country
  • Get married twice, once in the country and once when you get back stateside (You might be able to use the US marriage license outside of the states)
  • If the bride or groom is previously married, make sure to have proper paperwork, some countries require proof of divorce
  • Make sure that you have enough time to file for a marriage license, different countries will have time restrictions
  • Seek the advice of a wedding planner, resort concierge for further assistance.
  • You may wish to request a Custom Marriage Certificate to give to the couple after the ceremony

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